Part 109: Have a care as you rush into danger like Poms, you hear?
-Tetracyclic Tower-

Whoa, that was seriously fast. That wasn't even thirty minutes, was it?

Heehee, that's about right, yeah.

We were about three times as fast as a big passenger airship!

The engine, right.

What's happening on top of the tower?

Let me put it on the display.

Looks a bit like that black wave the Gospels emit, but...static.

Yes, but unlike the 'waves,' it's confined to the top of the tower. I wouldn't recommend we get close.

How will we get to the surface?

Unfortunately, the terrain is too rough to land the Arseille.

We should be able to get close enough to lower the lift while hovering. Use that.

The 'lift'?

The cargo bay elevator lift. It's normally used to load items onto the ship.

Ah, okay.

Now we just need to decide who should investigate the tower, and who should stay in reserve.

If you kids need your orbments tuned or you need new quartz, come by.

You bet!

Right, remember, you lot. We still don't know what the enemy's goal is. Have a care as you rush into danger like Poms, you hear?

Yeah. The lift is in the cargo bay.
Royal Guardsman: The lift to use when departing is in the cargo bay. If you follow those stairs down the bottom and head aft, you'll find the cargo bay. Our workshop is nearby. You may wish to stop in there as well.

You still hangin' around here?

Yeah, we were just making sure we're ready. You look a little out of place up here yourself, Agate.

This's the best place to keep track of you guys. The bridge's instruments and stuff let you check what's goin' on outside the ship.
Those are called 'windows.'

Why, is that concern in your voice, Agate? You're goin' soft on me!

Thanks for your concern, Agate.

Well, just don't overdo it. Remember who the hell you're fightin', after all.

Yes...We should take care.

Agate, you too...Stay ready. I don't know when or how we might need your help.

Don't need to tell me. Well, good luck out there. You need me, you know where to find me.

I've assigned a crewman to operate the lift so that you may use it at any time. I expect good news from your fight. The Goddess' fortune be with you.
Sensor Operator Echo: The orbal field around the tower is strange...Don't get too close. And the wind...Be careful not to get blown off course.
Helsman Lux: We're fine. We've got plenty of space between us and the tower. Still, what the hell IS that black wall-like thing? Is that causing those orbal field anomalies?
Sensor Operator Echo: I don't know...Just be careful with the ship, all right? It's too much of a risk to get any closer...A scout ship is approaching from the surface.
Helsman Lux: Hey, I always play it safe. I'll make sure there's plenty of room between us and that thing.
Comm. Officer Leon: Headquarters, this is the Arseille. Repeat, Arseille to headquarters. We have arrived at the designated coordinates. Repeat, we have arrived. We've confirmed a suspicious silhouette at the designated coordinates. We have determined that a direct landing is impossible and will be dispatching an investigation team from the ground. Repeat, we will be...
Royal Guardsman: And Your Highness...please, take care of yourself.

Hi, Schera. So this is where you are.

Thinking about things?

Mmm, I suppose. Seeing Esmelas Tower again is just reminding me of simpler times, that's all.

Now that I think about it, we HAVE done a lot there.

Haha. That's true. That's kind of where it all began. You know, with our first real job.


Hmm-hmm, it was. That was back when you two were freshly-minted junior bracers.

Yeah, some local kids wandered into the tower.

It was our job to go and rescue them.

Of course, Dad ended up stealing the spotlight at the very end, as usual.

Haha, I'm not too surprised. That does sound every bit like Mr. Bright.

You've both come a long way since then. This time, it'll be up to you to put an end to things.

Don't worry, Schera. We'll make it happen.
Ship's Cook Casey: Anyway, the commissary is open, and I've got everything you'll ever need, including ingredients for cooking! You need anything, you just come see Casey.
Delivering here must be hell on those poor paperboys.

Are you alone today?

Haha, well, my usual drinking partner's gone back to his Empire, you know. It might be a bit late, but I was giving him a farewell toast.

Oh, right...You drank with Olivier a lot, didn't you, Zane?

You two make for an odd pair, thinking about it.

Haha! That's true.

It's true, we didn't have much in common except a love of good alcohol.

Maybe that's why we got along so well. People can enjoy seeking out things different from themselves, after all.


Well, hey, if you want, I can pull up a chair with you! Ain't healthy to drink alone, after all.

Er. But...Are priests even allowed to drink alcohol?

Welllllllll...To be precise, no, it's forbidden...

But I'm sure Aidios, in Her infinite grace, would forgive a minor trespass. Or three.

Boy, you're just a paragon of faith, aren't you, Kevin.

Thanks, that's kind of you. Can't let an offer like that go to waste, can I? I'll invite you sometime.

Haha, straight to the professor, huh?

Um, yeah! I thought I'd peek in and see how the research is going.

So he's already begun looking at that strange barrier around the towers?

Uh-huh, he's looking into that too.

But there's something else he's researching...

Something else? On TOP of all the stuff going on?

He's shouldering another project on top of looking into the towers? Even for Russell, managing both at once would be...difficult.

Yeah...That's why I want to help with whatever I can. Oh, um, but if you need me, I'll be glad to help you, too, Estelle!

It's okay. You stay here for now. If we really need help, we'll come and ask, Tita.

Yes. I imagine Russell needs a good assistant right about now.

Yeah! I'll do my best. Take care, Estelle!

Looking to have your orbments tuned?

Yeah, we are, but...Why's everyone gathered here, Professor?

Ah, I was getting an opinion or two. To be honest, I found a base for...a certain piece of equipment I'm developing.

A 'certain piece' of...Hmm.

Well, when you put it like THAT, I've gotta know!

I'm sorry, but I can't speak more of it just yet. It's quite possible nothing will come of it and I'm just a stubborn old fool.

For now, look forward to getting something new soon...and wish me luck, eh?

I'll be continuing work on this equipment for a while yet. If you need weapons or quartz refining, speak with Payton over there. He brought the run of the finest orbal-tuning equipment from the Central Factory!
Ray: I've finally got some new crops growing in the laboratory. I heard the old man was up to something in here, though, so I had to come over and see what was what. From what the old man's saying, I made the right choice! So we're going to take on the problem head-first, eh? Heheheh! This is going to be an exciting project! Just what I'd expect from the old man. He's got a different sort of mind than your average sepith-basher.
Clive: It's a great honor to be part of the professor's research staff. I'll do my best to not be the slow gear! I want this to be a good story for my little brother, Todd, back in Ruan. He'll turn green with envy when I tell him I was on the Arseille!
Antoine: Nya-go.


Did someone from the Central Factory bring her aboard?
Antoine: Nyao?

Why is it that we always meet you when our lives are on the line, Antoine?'s always good to see my favorite kitty.
Antoine: Nya-o.
Mechanic Payton: I've also got weapons and armor, so I should have most everything you need!
I'm not really sure what to do with Estelle now, because Joshua's better than her at everything. I also forgot that everything in the upcoming dungeons is immune to deathblow again. 

Father Kevin is the best choice by far for the Gladiator Belt. Sacrificial Arrow can multiply that extra CP even further and feed it to everybody.

What's wrong, Kloe?

Oh. Hey, Estelle...

It's nothing. I was just thinking.

Thinking, huh...? I guess you would be kinda worried.

I'm sorry. I know this is a bad time.

No, don't worry about it. Not like I'm one to talk, anyway. Just a little while ago, I was the one making everyone worry.

Though in my case, it was all a CERTAIN SOMEONE'S fault.

*sigh* Yes, yes, I throw myself on my blades in regret, on the hour, every hour.


So, Kloe? Don't worry about being a burden or something, okay? We help each other out when we're in trouble, right?

Thank you, Estelle. Still, don't hesitate to call on me if you need me. I know my skills in battle are meager, but I'll do everything I can to help.

I will.

We'll be counting on you, Kloe.


Yeah, once we're ready. How about you, Kevin?

I'm just givin' the sickbay a once-over, familiarizing myself with it a bit. You know, just in case I ever need to make use of it.

Knowledge of modern medicine? Pretty uncommon for a Gralsritter. Impressive, too.

Haha, yeah, well, it's somethin' I picked up because I kinda had to. 'Sides, I'd be even happier if I had no reason to use this place.


Let's be careful exploring, then, so we don't need it.

Yes, we must proceed cautiously. We have no idea what dangers may be lurking within the towers themselves.

Got that right. Caution, more than anything, will make sure this place stays useless. Anyway, don't get too reckless, and make sure I've got no use for a sickbay, okay?

Hey, it's Faye! What are you doing aboard the Arseille?
Faye: Old man Russell brought me along. He was worried about not having an engineering team along, so.

Oh, okay.
Faye: Right now he doesn't need me for much, so I'm helping out where I can. So, you guys want to use the lift, then?
Faye: Right, then! Okay, just jump on the plate there...

Faye: It should be pretty stable, but, uh...try to avoid the edges.

We should get to the top of the tower, pronto.

Yes. Something seems...wrong, however.

Does it?
Man's Voice: It's you guys...!

Yeah, that's right.

You're part of the scouting force?
Private Heinz: Y-Yeah...I stayed behind to report the status of the tower to you guys.

So apparently some schmoe in a mask roughed you guys up?
Private Heinz: Y-Yeah, but that's not all. How the hell do I...? It's the tower. It'

It's 'off'? How?
Private Heinz: I can't...You'll get it when you see. C'mere, check out the entrance.

Some sort of...field? A barrier? Or...
Private Heinz: When we tried to investigate, that guy in the mask showed up.


Is the barrier blocking entry?
Private Heinz: The guy in the mask went in, so it's probably okay. I thought about giving chase, but my entire team's out of action!


Okay, leave this to us and get back to your squad.
Private Heinz: Understood. May Aidios guide your steps!
-The Hidden True Form-

This is...
Far out.

We went into the tower, didn't we?!

Spatial translocation...

Looks like we got sent somewhere else.

Oh, come on, this is getting ridiculous!

I mean, doesn't that mean there's no way to climb the tower...?!

Calm down, Estelle.

If Bleublanc came in here, there must be some way.

You're right...

Okay! Let's go!...Carefully!